Contact Support

How can I purchase Taptilo?

If you want to purchase Taptilo, click the “Shop” button below. You can see detailed information regarding the product and buy Taptilo right away. You can also contact the distributor nearby you, please click the “Distributor”. If you want an invoice, please contact

what if the language I want is not available?

If there isn’t the language you want, please contact We will do our best to develop a new language so all braille beginners can learn braille fun and easy!

How can I be a distributor of taptilo?

If you run an assistive technology company or organization for the blind and visually impaired, you can be a distributor of Taptilo! Please contact so we can give you a detailed explanation to become a distributor. Any questions are welcomed!

how do I get a repair or replacement
for my faulty product?

We warrant your product for one year from the date of purchase. You may contact your local distributor or for assistance with warranty repairs, replacements, or refund. See detailed instructions on Return & Warranties.

Is the Taptilo app available
on iOS or Android?

Taptilo app is available both on iOS and Android! You can download it on App Store (for iOS), and Google Play Store (for Andriod). Click the link and download Taptilo app for free!

What is the difference between
Taptilo 2.0 and Taptilo 3.0?

Taptilo’s version can be distinguished by the language you use! If you use English or Korean, please purchase Taptilo 2.0, in other cases, learn braille with Taptilo 3.0.

There is no difference between Taptilo 2.0 and 3.0 only in language!

There are two kinds of mobile app in Taptilo!
How they are different?

There are two kinds of Taptilo mobile app, Taptilo + and Taptilo U. If you learn braille with Taptilo 2.0 (English or Korean), please download “Taptilo "+”. If you learn braille with Taptilo 3.0 (Spanish, German, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, etc.) please download “Taptilo U” for your learning!